Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dec 7, Sunday

Just more amazement from an amazing land.
First stop was Bet She'an - After we traveled south from the Sea of Galilee we came to this awesome spot = very extensive remains of the Biblical city Beth Shean changed in the Roman era to Scythopolis. There is excellent example of the Roman era, how Rome put its stamp on its conquered areas to show its glory. Anyway check out what you can on the web about this place. Its very fascinating. It was destroyed in an earthquake in 749 AD and rediscovered this century.

Biblically its significant as the place where Saul and his son's were displayed on the city wall after their defeat in battle. Read David's lament in 2 Sam 1. "How the Mighty have fallen" If there is every a town that shouts false security - this is it!!

We proceeded to the water supply of Beth Shaan, called Gan Hosh Losha. A hot spring that produces water throughout the year at a nice warm temperature. We made an unscheduled stop to go swimming. This place in folk lore is the "entrance to the garden of Eden. It is a popular hang picnic are, but was not busy today at all.

We drove further down the Jordan River Valley - where it is irrigated it is very fertile, dates bananas, citrus, lots of vegatables, palms. It reminds me of Bakersfield, CA. In the summer it is very hot recording temps over 120.

As we traveled south past the Gilboa mountains we entered a desert area, the northern edges of the Judean desert. This was the land of Abraham. What church planter would ever pick this place to start a church???????? Only God!!! It is very desolate We arrived at a place called the Land of Genesis, another reenactment of the Biblical era. "Eliezer, Abraham's servant, greeted us and prepared us for a camel ride to Father Abraham's tent. There we were treated to very hospitable lunch.

Abraham was taken for a journey into the desert. We too are called to desert times. The children of Israel were in the desert 40 years. DT 8: 1-5, Moses tells the Israelites to be careful in their prosperity, God took them into the desert to humble them and test them, causing them to be hungry. Giving them Manna to learn that every provision is a gift from God. We were challenged to contemplate our own humilty and hunger for God and what H e desires.

We arrived into Jerusalem, checked into our hotel and worshipped with King of Kings Assembly. I did not get back in time to call St. Matthew :( But I pray that all went well and God blessed the word proclaimed today. We got back in time to hear that some things remain consistent - the Lions lost.

Tomorrow Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethesmane, Caiphas House, Southern Steps, Western Wall, Pools of Bethesda, St. Anne's Church. Evening visit to Tel HaShomer Rehab hospital. Meet the Bristols at the gas station at 5:45 pm (@ 25 people will have dinner at Rehab center and the rest at the hotel)

Its frustrating right now that I cannot add my pictures, maybe someone can tell me why I get this message when I try to post


Anonymous said...

Your travels and experiences sound very, very interesting. I can only imagine what it is like to actually be there. Hopefully you are taking lots of photos-
We sat in church for a couple of hours waiting for your phone call...which never came...but, anyway... (just kidding) We were hoping that you would be able to phone in!
Glad all is well! Enjoy that sunshine!

Love and Laughter in the Lord said...

Great encouragement regarding manna and God's provision. He is good - all the time. Very important to remember daily, but especially in the present economic circumstances. Thanks for sharing pictures and itinerary, but even more for the spiritual insights. Don't worry about the pictures - Dr. Ahlersmeyer told us today that we'll be hearing your stories and seeing your pictures for the next two years! Can't wait!

Jim and Ann said...

We are very exited to hear about your travels too. We attended the service on Sunday and waited for your call too.

What type of error are you getting when you try to post your pictures.

Safe travels Pastor. Look forward to your return.

The Meades said...

I have enjoyed following your travels. I almost feel the sand in my shoes, and maybe this sweater is a bit much for the temp?

If this pastor 'gig' doesn't work out, you could always do a Christian travel blog. It's been great hearing how the places tie in with the stories.

Hey, bring one of those yummy salads for the soup supper on the 17th. I tell Flora to sign you up okay? :)

May your spirit continue to be fed on this journey--Lynn

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor,

Wow, your adventures are amazing. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You'll have to give a "Pastor Rob's Vacation and Historical Highlights" class when you get back.

The kids at church really missed you on Sunday. They kept asking about you and when you would get back. Then, Taylor Law and our dear little Gracie asked if I could just please open your office to get them some of your bubblegum. Hmmm...I think I may have those same "ultra perceptive senses" that you spoke about in an earlier blog because I think they were missing you AND your gum, nerf guns, and all those "Pastor Rob" extras.

Enjoy the rest of a wonderful experience.

The Wieneke's