Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dec 3 Travel - Travel to Detroit with John & Arlene Phillips was great, good conversation all the way and their Tom Tom led the way for us to get right to the Continental airlines area. We arrived in plenty of time which was a blessing for me to get a few more phone calls completed.

I met up with the team from Shepherds Gate and look forward to getting to know more of them later. The flight to Newark was very unpleasant. This Contiental airplane was a real crackerbox, Anyone over 5’10” had to stoop or lean to avoid conking your head on the ceiling.

The flight was uneventful just like you want them. I started reading a great book given me by Cheri Lytikainen & Adam Burmeister. The Crazy Love Book by Francis Chan. If you have the chance go to and watch some very very interesting videos. If you want to get a “grander, more noble” view of God watch his first video. Wow – God is good.

The layover at the Newark airport was interesting. I’m getting to know two other pastors better, Pastor Jim Richter, who I already now and now his brother in law, Phil McClain from Nashville. Both very interesting good caring pastors. Our “shop talk” is very good.

The flight to Israel is wonderful. Everything the first plane was not , this plane is. Big, spacious and only about 2/3 full. Some of our people even have 3 seats to stretch across out for sleep. I slept great on the plane. Liz packed me a blindfold, which came in handy, my neck pillow felt pretty comfortable, my roommate on the trip is John Beyerlein. Curiously, his wife sent me a couple packs of ear plugs - this forebodes something! Bu the earplugs came in handy for the trip on the plane.

I packed along an audio book Morning By Horseback, the biography of Theodore Roosevelt. I’ve listend to chapters 1 – 3, very interesting. I find myself enjoying biographies for some reason. Regarding TR I forgot how sickly a boy he was with severe asthma And now I’m learning the impact TR’s mother had upon him to stir his spirit of adventure. So far I recommend this book.

We should be landing in Tel Aviv in about 30 minutes.

Ps 16:9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure,

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