Saturday, November 29, 2008

Arrival In Israel

Here is a step by step account of what will happen when we get to Israel. 
  1. Wed, Dec 3  Arrive in Tel Aviv on Continental  90 at 4:10 PM Transfer to hotel for dinner, walk on Mediterranean Beach & overnight.   Hotel: Dan Panorama,  Tel Aviv   - this might be nice.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Starting My Blog

This is a new endeavor for me, but it might be a great way for people to know what I will be doing especially Dec 2 - 16th when I take a trip to Israel.
I'm going on this trip with Pastor Jon & Sue Trinklein with people from Shepherd's Gate, Shelby Twp, MI and King of Kings, Omaha, NE. I was invited by a mutual friend Pastor Jim Richter, from Open Arms, Belleville, MI.
The title of this mission is "More of Jesus" with the purpose that as participant we would see more of Jesus work in the land of Israel and gain more of His heart as we pray for and encourage Christians in the Holy Land. Our team will be visiting existing Christian churches both Jewish and Palestinian. We certainly will be seeing the sites of Israel but the unique accent of praying for the people will take us to a Christian School, a hospital, Palestinian controlled areas - like Bethlehem. and churches in Jerusalem.

So I will try to keep everyone posted this way and if you would lift me up in prayer as I travel it would be appreciated.

Right now please pray for:
- Me to get as much work done before I leave so my church, St. Matthew - thrives in my absence.
- Liz & my family, we are excited for the opportunity but the seperation from my loved ones will be felt.
- thanksgiving for my driver to & from the airport in Detroit.
John PHillips taking me to Detroit on Dec 2
Bob Goethal picking me up on my return Dec 16,
Both of you I call Baruch - which means Blessed in Hebrew.

I'll see you all on Sunday and then if you we can keep up this way it would be cool.

Pastor Rob